Answer to bold prayer amazes abortion staff
Although there was no abortionist at Bakersfield’s FPA abortion center on Monday, the day ended with an ominous note: as an employee left, she told Terri “I don’t even want to go to work tomorrow — we’re going to be too busy! It’s going to be packed!”
Terri refused to allow the bad news to get her down, encircling the FPA property as she prayed “God, let there be ten cancellations tomorrow and five babies saved, so that the people who work inside will see that You are real.” When the Kern Region Prayer Watch group came out to pray Monday night, Terri shared her prayer with the group and they joined in her act of faith, believing in prayer that God would save five babies and that ten women would cancel their appointments.
Less than an hour after the abortion center opened on Tuesday morning, Terri had an emotional encounter with one young woman who changed her mind. Soon, another woman decided not to abort her baby. By the end of the day, at least three women were known to have changed their minds.
Throughout the day, as women exited after aborting their babies, a white cross had been erected to memorialize the baby and to recognize the mother’s pain. But at the end of the day, only 25 crosses had been erected, representing the lowest number of abortions on record for a week at Bakersfield’s FPA abortion business.
When the abortion staff member who had initially told Terri that it was going to be busy left for the day, her attitude had changed. “Terri, you guys must have been really praying hard,” she called out in amazement, “because it wasn’t nearly as busy as we thought it would be.” Terri told her what she had prayed, and the staff member seemed to acknowledge that there had been at least ten cancellations.
Although only three babies were known to be saved, the number of babies actually saved is always higher than the number known to be saved, because many women will change their minds without talking to the people on the sidewalk.
Two weeks ago, Tuesday was also the only abortion day for the week. On that Tuesday, 42 white crosses were erected. Subtracting for 10 cancellations and 5 babies saved would leave 27 abortions — and this week’s count was even lower than that!
Were you praying in faith on Monday and Tuesday, believing that God would save lives? If so, you shared in this victory.
All honor and glory to God for showing His power, changing hearts and saving lives! May the boldness and faith which was displayed this week increase until the day when this abortion business shuts down forever.
To learn more about some of the women whose children God saved through this prayer vigil, look at the following stories on the LifeSavers Minstries blog: