October is
Respect Life month!
Join us in showing respect
for the lives of the precious
children who are scheduled
to be aborted here in October!
- repentance and mourning
- seeking Christ our Lord through prayer
- shining Christ’s light of truth to expose evil
- faith that God will reward our prayers by changing hearts
- hope that God can purify our community and nation
- love for vulnerable women and children
- glorifying God for the victories!
Jesus laid down His life for you: are you willing to obey His call to sacrifice in His name for the “least of these”? Please consider signing up to cover an hour or more every week during the vigil (an online signup form will be available here soon, or call 661-412-2291 ).
It all starts on Wednesday, September 28 at 5 pm outside Bakersfield City Hall (at the southeast corner of Truxtun Avenue and Eye Street downtown). After a brief time of encouraging our city leaders to join us in seeking to protect our most precious natural resources (local children and women), we will walk ten blocks to the vigil site, 25th & H Streets, where the 24 hour prayer vigil will begin.
On Sunday October 30 from 2 to 3:30 pm, join us for the Life Chain (on Highway 178 downtown).
At the end of the vigil (Sunday November 26 at 6 pm) we will join together at the vigil site (25th & H) as we celebrate God’s victories with food, music, testimonies, and a final candlelight vigil surrounding the abortion chamber.